Christmas Collection

This fun Christmas Collection was inspired by happy childhood memories which I am so lucky to have. I can remember the excitement of decorating the Christmas tree with my family and the pure joy I felt when my favourite Christmas decoration would be liberated from the storage box. We probably had a robust, good-natured discussion over who was putting it on the tree.....but thankfully rose-tinted glasses block out everything but idyllic memories. Giggles of glee would erupt at the sight of each treasured decoration shimmering in the twinkling lights on the branches. Pure Magic!! Even now after all these years, I search the Christmas tree in my parent's home to catch a glimpse of those cherished decorations, Rudolf still brings the same soppy grin to my face. 

I love to think of my fused glass decorations helping to make the same happy memories in someone else's home and that Christmas magic is being interwoven into another happy family story.  I try to make a wide range of Christmas decorations and candle holders each year, hoping to spread an extra bit of Christmas Magic. 

Regular price €20,00
From €20,00
From €20,00
Sea Swimmer
Regular price €25,00
From €20,00
Regular price €20,00
Christmas Bell
Regular price €20,00
Regular price €20,00
Suncatcher - Bird
Regular price €20,00